Vehicle Wind Turbine

Harness the Power of the Wind with this Revolutionary Idea! šŸ’ØšŸ’”

Introducing an innovative new way

Solar Energy

Solar Energy

Solar power has experienced significant growth over the past's total installed solar power had surpassed 700 gigawatts (GW).world's total installed solar power had surpassed 700 gigawatts (GW).

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Wind energy is a renewable energy source that harnesses the natural power of the wind to generate electricity. Wind turbines, which can range from small, personal-use models to towering commercial ones, convert the kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical power.

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Hydro Energy

Hydro Energy

The advantage of hydro energy is that it's a clean source of fuel, meaning it won't pollute the air like power plants that burn fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas. Additionally, hydroelectric power is a flexible source of electricity since reservoirs can be stored for when the power is needed, and the flow of water can be adjusted to produce more or less power

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Revolution Dynamic Wind Turbine

Revolution Dynamic Wind Turbine

The Concept of Vehicle Wind Turbines! šŸš—šŸŒ€ Boats , Trucks ,Cars , Trains Producing Wind Power in a motion which can be used while moving and especially when stopped

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The idea imageThe idea imageThe idea image
Innovating the Drive: Harnessing the Power of Wind through On-Vehicle Turbines! šŸš—šŸŒ€

Each time we drive our cars, bikes, trucks, or travel by train, we experience the powerful force of the wind. Aerodynamics plays a vital role in our vehicle designs, aiming to reduce wind resistance and increase efficiency. But what if we could utilize this immense energy instead of just resisting it?

Our groundbreaking idea proposes just that: harnessing the untapped energy of the wind we encounter while driving, and using it to contribute to our vehicle's power needs. How can this be achieved? Through the implementation of compact, robust turbines designed specifically for this purpose.

Traditional wind turbines, as we know them, are large structures with significant wind resistance when installed on a moving vehicle, which would hinder their efficacy and create counter-productive drag. However, by designing a small turbine that can spin efficiently without offering significant resistance to the incoming air, we aim to unlock a new source of energy for our vehicles.

Why hasn't this been done before? The world of scientific skepticism often meets such innovative ideas with resistance. Theorists, equipped with advanced degrees in aerodynamics and related sciences, may argue that it's impossible. This is why it's not a common feature - no one has dared to challenge the status quo and fully test and develop this concept.

We're here to change that. We believe that testing and experimentation can bring surprising results, and our preliminary outcomes have been nothing short of remarkable. We're ready to take the next step, bringing our concept from the testing stage to real-world implementation.

We're looking for forward-thinking sponsors and development partners who believe in our vision and are excited about pioneering a new direction in sustainable transportation. With your support, we can turn what was once considered impossible into a reality, and revolutionize the way we think about energy use in our vehicles. Join us on this exciting journey to harness the power of wind energy and redefine the future of transportation.



Wind turbines on a train's roof convert the wind created by the train's speed into electricity, which can be used for onboard systems.



Trucks with wind turbines can generate electricity that, when not in use, can be sold to electric vehicles or even fed back into the city grid when parked.


Green Energy

Wind turbines on boats can be lifesavers by providing power when other options are unavailable. The energy generated can charge batteries and power onboard systems regularly, ensuring safety and efficiency.


Green Energy

Mounted wind turbines on planes, particularly electric ones, can generate onboard power, contributing to energy efficiency and innovation in aviation.

After conceiving the idea of vehicle wind turbines, it was crucial to figure out the most efficient and practical design. To do this, we utilized the sophisticated simulation capabilities of ANSYS and SolidWorks. Both are powerful engineering tools that are widely used for their ability to accurately simulate physical conditions and test the performance of different designs.

Using ANSYS, we modeled and simulated various turbine blade designs under high-speed conditions, similar to those experienced by a vehicle on the move. These simulations gave us valuable insights into the dynamics of wind turbine operation at high speeds and helped us identify the most effective blade designs.

Simultaneously, we employed SolidWorks for its superior capabilities in 3D modeling and design. The tool allowed us to create detailed, precise models of our turbine blades. By simulating airflow over these models, we could closely study their aerodynamic performance.

After rigorous simulations and tests, we discovered that our innovative turbine design has the potential to generate between 72 to 140 Newton-meters (N*m) of power. This is a substantial amount of energy that can contribute significantly to the vehicle's electrical needs.
It's important to understand that a Newton-meter is a measure of torque, which, in the context of a wind turbine, reflects the turning force produced on the turbine's rotor by the wind. This turning force is directly related to the amount of electrical power the turbine can generate.
With this range of power, our design shows real promise in advancing towards sustainable and efficient transportation solutions. The energy harnessed from wind while the vehicle is in motion can be used to power various electrical systems within the vehicle, potentially reducing fuel consumption and carbon emissions.
However, it's crucial to remember that the exact amount of power a turbine can produce depends on various factors, such as the speed and direction of the wind (which, for a vehicle, largely depends on its speed and direction of travel), the design and condition of the turbine, and the efficiency of the generator. Despite these variables, our tests demonstrate that our turbine design has the potential to make a meaningful contribution to a vehicle's power needs.

This dual approach - using ANSYS for dynamic simulations and SolidWorks for detailed design and airflow analysis - helped us identify the optimal blade designs for our vehicle wind turbines. These simulations formed a solid foundation for our next step, which was to produce 3D printed models for real-world testing.

After identifying the best blade configurations through the ANSYS simulations, the next significant step was to bring these virtual models to life. We leveraged the power of 3D printing technology to produce tangible models of our turbine designs for real-world testing.

3D printing allowed us to quickly and accurately manufacture our unique blade designs, creating exact physical copies of our most promising simulated models. This step was crucial, as it enabled us to move from theory to practice, transitioning from digital testing environments to actual performance tests.

With our 3D-printed models in hand, we were prepared to put our innovative wind turbines to the test, evaluating their performance under realistic conditions and gaining valuable insights to refine our design further. This hands-on testing phase is a critical component of our development process, enabling us to iterate and improve our design based on real-world data.

3d Prototypes testing image3d Prototypes testing image3d Prototypes testing image
Following our extensive ANSYS simulations, which helped us to identify the most aerodynamically efficient blade designs, the next step was to bring these models to life. To achieve this, we developed a variety of different turbine models, each with unique blade shapes and quantities, and ordered them to be created using 3D printing technology.

3D printing was the perfect solution for this stage of development, as it allowed us to quickly and accurately materialize our various designs, transforming them from digital models into physical objects ready for real-world testing.

Each 3D printed turbine was unique, designed with a different combination of blade shape and quantity to test the impact of these variables on performance. This variety was essential to help us identify the most effective design.

By comparing the performance of these different turbines in realistic wind tests, we were able to evaluate and validate our ANSYS simulations, refine our designs, and move closer to our goal of creating a highly efficient, vehicle-mounted wind turbine. The journey from simulation to real-world testing was an exciting leap forward in our development process.

3d winner model image3d winner model image3d winner model image
After conducting comprehensive tests at wind speeds of 20-30 m/s, we discovered that the most speed-optimized design is the three-blade turbine. These findings not only validate the results of our ANSYS simulations but also provide solid evidence that this specific blade configuration performs best under high-speed conditions.

Furthermore, our results have been confirmed by the Hydro Turbine Research Institute, an esteemed authority in the field. Their approval reinforces the validity of our findings and emphasizes that the three-blade design is indeed the most effective solution for high wind speeds.

It's worth noting that three-blade wind turbines are a common choice in the wind energy industry due to their balance between performance and structural stability. The specific design we've tested and optimized pushes the envelope further, making it especially effective when incorporated into high-speed vehicular applications.

This successful outcome represents a significant milestone in our research and development process. It confirms that we're on the right track and brings us a step closer to making our vision of vehicle-mounted wind turbines a reality.

from 3d model to a real car prototype imagefrom 3d model to a real car prototype imagefrom 3d model to a real car prototype image
After testing all models and identifying the most effective one, we moved on to the next exciting stage of our project: creating a real prototype to be installed on a vehicle. Our chosen material for this task was aircraft-grade aluminum, recognized for its lightweight and durable properties, making it an excellent choice to withstand vehicle and train winds speeds of up to 200 km/h.

The prototype design included the electrical turbine and the necessary components to ensure a seamless connection with the wind speed. With the design in place, the detailed drawings were then sent to a factory for production.

However, due to the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the production process took longer than usual. Nevertheless, after waiting for about three months, the production phase was finally completed.

Despite the challenges, we remained committed to our vision and eagerly awaited the completion of our real, physical prototype. This aircraft-grade aluminum prototype represented a significant stride forward in our project, bringing us one step closer to real-world testing and implementation. The journey from design to reality was filled with anticipation and excitement as we were eager to witness our concept come to life and undergo its first real-world tests.

Real Test results on a highway imageReal Test results on a highway image
As we progressed further into the project, we ordered a three-phase 2.7kW 48VAC wind generator with a nominal speed of 500 RPM and a weight of 26 kg. This was paired with a 1:4 planetary gearbox and coupling connection to the generator. The results were promising - at a vehicle speed of 100 km/h, the turbine speed reached 2000 RPM, and the generator speed was 250 RPM, producing 22VAC.

To supplement the energy harnessed from the wind, we also incorporated a 2kW power bank and foldable solar panels with a capacity of up to 120W. This combination of sun and wind energy worked beautifully, further strengthening the sustainable aspect of our concept.

However, as we reached this significant milestone, we found ourselves nearing the end of our budget. From the start, we understood that realizing this innovative idea would require the backing of a serious company or sponsors interested in the development of sustainable energy solutions.

Now, we are open to discussions with potential partners who share our vision. We are excited to explore business options and welcome all those interested in participating in this groundbreaking project.

It's important to note that our idea is patented worldwide, ensuring its uniqueness and providing security for potential investors. This patent reflects our dedication and belief in the potential of this idea to revolutionize the way we think about energy usage in transportation. Together, we can transform this concept into a reality and contribute to a more sustainable future.
  • Tel Aviv, Israel

If you're interested in our sustainable energy project and wish to discuss potential partnerships or sponsorships, please get in touch with us via email. Your contribution could be key in bringing this innovative wind turbine concept to life. We look forward to hearing from you.