3d Prototypes testing image3d Prototypes testing image3d Prototypes testing image
Following our extensive ANSYS simulations, which helped us to identify the most aerodynamically efficient blade designs, the next step was to bring these models to life. To achieve this, we developed a variety of different turbine models, each with unique blade shapes and quantities, and ordered them to be created using 3D printing technology.

3D printing was the perfect solution for this stage of development, as it allowed us to quickly and accurately materialize our various designs, transforming them from digital models into physical objects ready for real-world testing.

Each 3D printed turbine was unique, designed with a different combination of blade shape and quantity to test the impact of these variables on performance. This variety was essential to help us identify the most effective design.

By comparing the performance of these different turbines in realistic wind tests, we were able to evaluate and validate our ANSYS simulations, refine our designs, and move closer to our goal of creating a highly efficient, vehicle-mounted wind turbine. The journey from simulation to real-world testing was an exciting leap forward in our development process.